Sunday worship services at Raunds Methodist start at 10.30am and normally last about an hour.  Most weeks, worship is led by the Circuit ministers, a local (lay) preacher, or on occasion, the group of worship leaders from within the church. 

The key parts of our services are the chance to meet together to worship God, to hear the Bible and think about its meaning for us today, and to spend time in prayer.

Our services can be quite different from week to week.  Some weeks may be quiet and reflective in style; other weeks are informal and all-age-worship; some leaders of worship may choose to preach a sermon, whereas others may use different ways of exploring the bible readings.  Once each Quarter we join with other Churches in the Circuit for a United Service (see the Church Calendar for details).

About once a month the service will include Holy Communion (also called the Lord’s Supper or Eucharist).  It is our policy to welcome anyone who wishes to receive Holy Communion – this invitation includes children (with the permission of their parents or guardians). 

Music in our services is provided by either a pianist,  our worship group or by utilising pre-recorded hymns/songs. 

Coffee and tea are served after the service giving an opportunity for fellowship as a Church Family.

We also have occasional special services such as hosting the Mayor’s Town Carol Service, services during Holy Week for Maundy Thursday, and services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

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