The Team
Mince Pies istead of Biscuits
and Bread & Butter
Neatly stacked
how many more loaves ?
Where's the operating Manual ?
You're in charge
Eggs 'Jasmine'
Eggs 'Becca'
Eggs 'Louisa'
Who needs 'Benedict' ?
and Porrige
Tea, coffee & Chocolate
and Washing up
and charging mobiles
Ready for 'Service' chef
2 Sausage, 2 bacon, 2 egg & what ?
was his name Joshua or ?
now the washing up gets serious
all hands on deck
Not both coffee & chocolate
Yes Mum both
Did you count the Cork Flakes
Do the mushrooms go on top
A bacon Butty
Add this up on your fingers
Five sugars !!
more washing up
and packing away
and drying up
but we'be donne it !
all of us together
just clean the kitchen
don't dribble it
or pour it
throw it !!
and scrub
and wipe
including the seats
and mop
don't miss any
and celebrate a good job well done