We are beginning to make plans for Sunday 30th October which will see us, as a Circuit, gathering for worship, fellowship and conversation at Orlingbury Village Hall.
So that as many of our Circuit can be involved in this, the Circuit Meeting agreed the Circuit would provide transport (coaches) – we are not asking you to do anything different. Just turn up at Church as you always do and a coach will pick you up and take you to Orlingbury.
Our day will be centered around the Vision for the next five years in the life of our Circuit. Matt Forsyth will lead us in our thoughts but more importantly, we need to hear about your passions and dreams, as well as your worries and concerns for the future.
We do therefore need to know how many from this fellowship will be attending. There will be a sign-up sheet at the back of the church. Please put your name down if you intend to come and share with others across our Circuit. THE DEADLINE For Numbers is 30TH SEPTEMBER.
The day will be from approximately 10am to 4pm. It was originally intended that we provide lunch. However, logistics for this are difficult and outside catering extremely expensive. Therefore, we would ask that you bring your own lunch. The Circuit will provide tea/coffee and cake! If you have your own insulated mug or a favourite mug, please bring that too. Volunteers to help with refreshments and clear the Hall will be much appreciated.
PLEASE NOTE: This is our Circuit Service Sunday therefore, NO Church within the Circuit will otherwise be open.
We as the Circuit Leadership Team look forward to sharing with you this day set by for discerning God’s will for the future of our Circuit