News Bulletin Number 3 May 2021
Things are moving on….
Here are some dates for your diary and to keep everyone up to date.
Thursday May 6th at 2.30pm, our subgroup has a meeting with our architect, this is to finalize our plans and to get revised costings.
Sunday May 9 at 2.30om, our Vision Group meets via Zoom, Agenda and log in details to follow.
Saturday May 22 (all day). Skip Day, we begin clearing out anything not needed in the chapel and rooms. If you know of anything that must stay, please let either Peter or Mike know as soon as possible. We will need lots of help, please let Peter Whitney or Mike know if you can join the rota.
Saturday June 26 at 2.00pm , Church Bar-B-Que and hopefully a chance to view our revised plans.
Sunday June 27th, 10.30am, our Church Anniversary celebrations including the Covenant Service. Followed at 12.00 by a bring and share lunch, followed at 2.00pm by a General Church Meeting at which Church members will be invited to vote on the proposal that we accept our mission statement, the revised plans, and move forward with grant applications and serious fund-raising activities.
Gift Day. From June onwards Gift Day envelopes will be available. It is vital that as a congregation and friends we make a substantial effort to build up our funds. More details will be published in the June Bulletin.
End of July. Scaffolding is erected and contractors begin repairing the damaged masonry.
This is now a serious endeavour in which everyone is invited to get involved. Already two important service providers who assist local people with various concerns, have expressed their interest in using our premises for the benefit of the community.
Please keep our project in your prayers and, if you have any comments or queries, please give our project facilitator a call, Mike will happily do his best to assist.
With love to you all,
The Stewards and Leadership Team, Raunds Methodist Church.
Mike Langstaff, Project Facilitator
01933 624423