Whether you are well advanced in your walk with the Lord or have only recently begun or are seeking we welcome you to join us so that we may journey and grow in our faith together

Our Sunday worship is at 10.30 am in the Chapel - if you are unable to join with us we can provide links to live streaming from other Services in the Circuit or to deliver a Worship Sheet for your personal use at home. 

If there are 5 Sundays in a month we usually share worship (either at Raunds or at one of the other Chapels in the Circuit - please see the Church calendar for details)


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News - Rise Up & Build BBQ (Re-arranged due to Covid)

A letter to all members and friends of Raunds Methodist Church

June 2021

We have gone through some difficult times.  It has been strange to meet but not really ‘get together’, hopefully, this will soon change for the better.  We have had to make some changes to our diaries which are detailed below. 

Due to ‘Covid’ regulations our Bar-b-que cannot take place on June 26th, which we had planned and will be re-arranged for August/September when we can establish a date suitable to most folk.  We will let you know as soon as we can, when this is fixed.

As well as the services included on the Circuit plan, we draw your attention to two special and important dates.

Sunday June 27th at 10.30 we celebrate our Church anniversary which includes our Covenant Service; an opportunity to rededicate ourselves to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Sunday August 1st at 10.30 following worship we share a ‘bring your own lunch’ and then move on to the General Church Meeting at which, among other things, we will consider and seek to approve our Mission Statement and plans for the redevelopment of our Church building.  The revised plans for our Church building will be on display throughout July.

Our hopes for the future will depend upon your support.  Please read the Mission Statement, pray about it, and enthusiastically help us to turn the vision of our place in God’s work in this town into a reality.  This is also going to be expensive and will require generous and sacrificial giving.  Our gift day envelopes are now available, and, if you are able to Gift Aid, that enhances your gift at now extra cost to you.

For a number of years we have been seeking a new way forward for our mission in this town.  August 1st is the day when we either decide to go forward or simply remain as we are.  The choice is ours to make.  There will be help available from the Circuit and District and grant making bodies.  There are local organisations who want to use our premises to bring relief and hope to many in our community. 

Please get involved, we need you.


Rev Kim Shorley, the Stewards and Leadership Team, Raunds Methodist Church.


Rev Kim Shorley  01933-676172                        Mike Langstaff  01933-624423


Raunds Methodist Church Mission Statement

‘Love the Lord your God with all that you are, and your neighbour as yourself.’

Raunds Methodist Church seeks to honour God by means of inclusive worship, supporting each other and by serving our community. We will, with others seek to meet the needs of those needing comfort, support, and encouragement.  We see this as fulfilling our Christian calling by showing the face of Jesus to those around us.

We will do this by seeking to follow a Methodist Way of Life, and as far as we are able, with God’s help we will seek to provide:

  • Worship and prayer which both inspires and challenges:
  • Caring and support, as we work with service providers in our community with those whose lives have been damaged by Covid 19:
  • Support for environmental priorities in our community seeking always to challenge injustice.
  • We will show the love of God through our actions and words sharing the Good News of Jesus with our community.
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