Whether you are well advanced in your walk with the Lord or have only recently begun or are seeking we welcome you to join us so that we may journey and grow in our faith together

Our Sunday worship is at 10.30 am in the Chapel - if you are unable to join with us we can provide links to live streaming from other Services in the Circuit or to deliver a Worship Sheet for your personal use at home. 

If there are 5 Sundays in a month we usually share worship (either at Raunds or at one of the other Chapels in the Circuit - please see the Church calendar for details)


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News - Christmas 2020

As you may know, like many things, we have not been able to do our usual Breakfast Challenges at Whitechapel due to the pandemic but the Mission has remained open every day, with the staff manning the Kitchen to cook breafasts instead of daily groups of volunteers.  Over 167,000 free meals have been served since the Covid outbreak began and over 200,000 breakfasts since we were last in the kitchen last Christmas / New Year.  A free lunch wil be served each day over the Christmas period to everyone in need.

Can you help make Christmas Special for those sleeping on the streets this year?  In the lead up to Christmas, we thought we could help out in a different way since we cannot be there. 

The Mission are looking to make Christmas a little special for the hundreds of people who will come to the Mission over the Christmas period and suggest that a pair of new socks wrapped around a small bar of chocolate and then maybe wrapped in Christmas paper would be a suitable gesture.

Please, if you feel able to support this bring your gift ready wrapped (Please label ‘Male’ or ‘Female’ and put the size [of the socks not the chocolate!] on the outside wrapper) then either place it in the Box provided in the Post Office or deliver it to us or conatct us and arrange for someone to collect it and we will then get the gifts to Whitechapel for Christmas.  The Box wil be removed from the Post Office on 19th December.

For more information about Whitechapel Mission follow the link on our Links page


19th December


Our thanks to everyone who contributed - 125 pairs of socks (with a chocolate bar) ready to be boxed up and sent to the Mission this week for distribution.


Our thanks also to Diane and the staff at the Post Office who have helped by providing a centralised point of collection


21st December


130 pairs of socks (plus chocolates) 43 lbs weight! - sent off by courier this morning



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