In recent years, as a Church we have encouaged one another to give to support others, not so well off as ourselves - Clockwork Radios for remote parts of Africa throught The Bible Society - Bansang Hospital in the Gambia and its needs. For Lent 2016 we have decided to support 'Toilet Twinning' through TEAR Fund & Toilet Twinning.
2.5 billion people around the world do not have a loo - that is 40% of the world's population have to use fields, streams, rivers, railway lines, canal banks, roadsides, plastic bags or squalid disease-breeding buckets
In Africa,half of the young girls who drop out of school do so because they need to collect water for their family/community or because the school has no basic toilet
The lack of a loo makes women and girls vulnerable as they walk to the edge of their community to go to the toilet in the open, late at night
They are vunerable to being bitten by snakes
For every £1 spent on water and sanitation programmes, £8 is returned through reduced health costs and increased productivity
Full details can be found on the Website but if you wish to support our efforts toward solving the problems somewhere bring or send you contributions during Lent. Any easy way to remind yourself to contribute is: every time you 'spend a penny' put a small contribution aside - the 5p or 10p for each visit dring Lent will mount up and enable us to 'Flush Away Poverty'